Monday, June 9, 2008

'Send Those Closet Socialists To Cuba'

Surveyee casts doubt on currency of Humboldt Exchange

DUHC Hunting
By Nicholas Bravo

The following is an Internet survey of public opinion by Democracy Unlimited of Humboldt County (DUHC). They asked for the opinions in particular of our local blogging community through the friendly neighborhood Libertarian, Fred Mangels (

The DUHCs seem to be concerned with the community perception of their organization, and they ask for input on their future projects. Well, they sure asked for it now!

DUHC Feedback Survey

"At the end of July the DUHC staff will be spending three days in a strategic planning meeting. As we go into the meeting, we would like your help and feedback assessing our work. Your input will help us understand how we've been doing, and how we should continue in our work to dismantle corporate rule in Humboldt County and beyond.

We really value the feedback of our members and supporters and we strive to be an organization that is accessible to the larger community.

Please take a few minutes to fill out this online survey - it is easy and should only take 5-10 mins of your time."

· What types of actions on the local level do you think are most effective to making Humboldt County more genuinely democratic and self-sufficient?

A: Banish the socialists.

· What kind of projects are you involved in locally? Would you be interested in DUHC being involved with the work you are doing on these projects?

A: Assisting various politicians with winning seats in government. No, the DUHC and David Cobb have done enough damamge.

· What groups would you like to see DUHC work with in the future?

A: Hezbollah, Al-Qaida, any other group being targeted by the U.S. Military.

· Do you use the Humboldt Exchange Community Currency?
- If no, why not?
- If yes, what do you find most useful? How do you see this project expanding and becoming more viable? And what are some criticisms you have as a user of Community Currency?

A: No, it's worthless, and was created by a known scam artist.

· What do you perceive to be the greatest roadblocks to democracy in Humboldt County and how do you think these threats are to be best addressed?

A: The DUHC is the greatest roadblock. Send those closet socialists to Cuba where they'll feel right at home.

· Do you think DUHC should invest time and energy into electoral politics through a Political Action Committee?
- If so, what kind of campaigns?
- If not, why should we not engage on the electoral level?

A: Oh god, No! I think anyone associated with the DUHC and David Cobb should have their right to vote taken away because they are not intelligent enough to comprehend the issues.

· Do you think DUHC should organize or have a role in civil disobedience?
- If so, what types of actions?
- If not, why?

A: Declare outright war on the United States of America. Declare yourselves socialists and wage an open, armed, and violent campaign against the country. Make threats you can and can't carry out. Block all roads going in and out of Humboldt county and declare Humboldt its own socialist nation. It can even use Phoenix Fhyre's funny money as it's official currency. You can declare David Cobb your leader and invite Fidel over for cakes and tea whilst the Humboldt people starve to death in the streets.

· Is there anything else you want to share with us in terms of feedback on our current work or ideas for the future?

A: Study the United Soviet Socialist Republic, come to terms with the fact that you are socialists and your ideas are hogwash. Invite Ann Coulter to come deprogram you so you can start thinking like Americans again. Course personally I'd pay mucho dinero or a wheelbarrow of Fhyre's funny money to watch a Cobb/Coulter pay-per-view Thunderdome battle.

Nicholas Bravo is a Humboldt State University graduate and two-time Arcata City Council candidate currently pursuing his postgraduate education in Phoenix, Arizona. He can be reached at nickbravo ~~AT~~


mresquan said...

Bravo doesn't raise anything here worth garnishing any sort of response from them.

Charles Douglas said...

I'm not sure if "garnishing" is the word you're looking for here, since it wouldn't really "take away" anything from them to speak up in their own defense.

Anonymous said...

mresquan, DUHC is just one more pathetic group of extremists who've hijacked the left in this country just as the Neocons have hijacked the right. The DUHC's most diseased feature is the blind support of people like fhyre phoenix and david cobb, both of whom are radical leftists whose primary goals are control over a bureacratic system and power over others...including the power to silence dissenting voices.

If fhyre really was the activist he claimed to be he'd find a way to print his own money the same way Hitler did in the 1930's and 40's. If david cobb really wanted to be a third party he wouldn't have his mouth surgically removed from nancy pelos's strap on.

I don't expect a reply from you mresquan because people like you, heraldo, and the DUHC crowd aren't interested in debate or ethics.

Have a Day.